Let's Talk About EPM

What is EPM?

EPM, Equine Protozoal Myeloencephalitis, is a disease caused by the apicomplexan parasite Sarcocystis neurona that affects the central nervous system of horses. It can be a devastating diagnosis for the owner and quite traumatic for the horse.

As more horses are diagnosed with this challenging illness, I would like to provide some insight as to why only some horses are susceptible to symptoms upon exposure, ways to naturally support your horse through recovery, and guidance on how to proactively avoid EPM. 

What makes one horse more susceptible than another?

Simply put: a horse is more likely to develop EPM if his gut health is compromised... if the stomach pH is not acidic enough to kill off ingested pathogens (take caution with Omeprazole use, this halts production of stomach acid, negatively interfering with the whole digestive process), if the gut microbiome is imbalanced and intestinal integrity is compromised (i.e., gut dysbiosis and leaky gut).

An overgrowth of unhealthy bacteria and inflammation can lead to breaks in the tight junctions of the GI tract, commonly referred to as leaky gut. Leaky gut usually also means leaky brain… Leaky gut allows rogue molecules, harmful bacteria, parasites and other pathogens to pass through into the bloodstream, spread systemically, and penetrate the blood brain barrier, wreaking havoc on neurological tissues and the central nervous system. This broken-down digestive process is how the parasite Sarcocystis neurona gains access to a horse's neurological tissues and gives them the symptoms of what we call EPM.

Compromised gut health is also the reason why only one horse in a barn may become sick, while others may have had the same exposure. A horse with a healthy gut and optimal digestion (stomach acid is needed!) is able to kill off and successfully pass undesirable bacteria or foreign invaders, such as parasites, through his GI tract - without them escaping beyond the intestinal wall, and therefore being safely and effectively eliminated vs. spreading internally / systemically.

How can we help prevent EPM?

Fostering your horse’s gut microbiome by optimizing his diet will result in a stronger immune system, a higher quality life, and will serve as the best defense against EPM.

How can we foster a healthy gut? Consider limiting unnecessary pharmaceuticals and vaccinations and offer a pure, forage-based diet (including whole foods), balanced to meet individual needs. We encourage you to check your feed and supplement ingredient lists to avoid feeding ingredients commonly contaminated with glyphosate (Round Up), GMO by-products, poor quality synthetic isolated nutrients, preservatives and other chemicals. See our in-depth blog post Optimizing My Horse's Diet for more information and specific guidance.

Ideally, a horse’s diet should include 24/7 access to multi-species grass or hay (organically grown or at least non-gmo), natural mineral salts (i.e., Sea-90, Celtic Salt, Redmond’s) and appropriate herbs and superfoods as prebiotics. These pure foods help support a healthy balance of bacteria, strong intestinal lining, balanced mucosa, and a normal digestive process from mouth to rectum. They also help to create an uninhabitable environment for parasites to thrive by balancing the internal pH, allowing stomach acid to aid digestion, kill off harmful pathogens, and foster the internal terrain (Terrain Theory).

How can we futher support recovery from EPM?

In addition to correcting and optimizing the diet, we can offer the horse various herbs to support the central nervous system, fight inflammation, fight against parasites and strengthen the overall immune system. Magnesium Glycinate supports nerve cellular communication, muscle and nerve function, neurological health, a calm mind and so much more. Adapt. and Level Headed blends offer adaptogenic and nervine herbs to nourish, strengthen and rebalance the central nervous system, supporting full recovery. Our Elite nuggets help to rebalance the gut microbiome, fight against parasites, fight inflammation, calm and much more. Natural Vitamin E is a great strengthener of the immune system and also helps to fight inflammation.

Please reach out with any questions, we would love to support you as best we can!